RIP ‘Percy the Peacock’

For every birth - for instance our Quintuplet lambs recently (see ITV news today at 6pm), or our new calf - there is often a death.

We’ve just found the remains of dear 'Percy the Peacock', who lost what appears to have been three challenging rounds with a fox.

Foxes are almost unavoidable at this time of year when feeding their young and Percy strayed off safer ground, probably in search of a mate.

He was such a regular presence throughout the day here. And was at his peak in full plumage when killed, which may have contributed to his downfall.

We and visitors who came to know him will miss his beautiful self. He was only about 2 years old, which is a mere boy in a peahen life cycle.

Rest in peace, dear Percy.

Patrick Phillips

The owner of Kentwell Hall.


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